What Are Horse Layup Services?
Horse owners must have a place for the horses to eat and spend the night. However, circumstances may not allow having horses at your residence, so it makes sense to rely on a stable for boarding and layup services. Stables offer different kinds and levels of care so you can determine which will best meet you and your horse’s needs.
1. Routine Horse Boarding
Routine horse boarding usually includes a stall and pasture turnout for your horse and often access to the equestrian facilities on the grounds, such as riding arenas, tack rooms and possibly riding trails. The level of care that stables provide depends on how much time you wish to devote to your horse’s care. For example, you might purchase all the feed and bedding for your horse without the stable’s assistance and do all of the feeding and cleaning chores yourself, or you might have staff fill in for you during busy times of your day, such as work hours.
2. Horse Boarding with Benefits
Riding stables can often assist you and your mount with full boarding service. Full service means that the stable staff typically performs all routine care for your horse, including feeding, grooming, exercising and training, stable chores and maintaining feed, bedding, and required medical supplies for you.
3. Layup Boarding
The terms horse boarding and horse layup can get used interchangeably, but sometimes stables offer significantly different services. Although horse layup services West Chester PA can include the boarding services mentioned above, it can also refer to extra care, sometimes even specialized care, for animals with medical conditions or after surgery. These animals may need stall rest with a supervised recuperation time. Not all stable’s layup services include this type of specialized care, so you will need to check with them for specifics on their offerings.
You will want to ensure that your horse always has the appropriate care. A riding stable with boarding and layup services can provide an optimal solution for whatever levels of care you and your horse require.